Explore and Discover’s four-year-old program serves children ages forty-eight to sixty months and is fully aligned with the Florida Voluntary Pre-kindergarten (VPK) standards. We provide enriching and purposeful learning experiences in a stimulating and purposeful environment where your preschooler can continue to expand and cultivate his/her skills. Your preschooler’s teachers are experienced and nurturing child development professionals who understand the critical skills at this age and appreciate the rapid growth that is continuing through the fourth year of life. Through a multisensory approach, that consistently allows your preschooler to explore and discover and teachers who are focused on differentiating activities to ensure the needs of all learners are consistently met, your child is sure to have enjoyable, meaningful learning experiences. Supported by the Frog Street Pre-K curriculum, a state approved, evidence-based, child-centered program that integrates instruction to ensure your preschooler’s language, cognitive, physical, and socioemotional skills, are fully developed and ready for the transition into kindergarten.
Our four-year-old program follows a daily routine including free choice learning centers, story time, outside play, morning and afternoon snack, lunch, morning and afternoon meeting time, small group instruction, individual instruction, Exploratorium time, and daily specials, including art, Spanish, yoga, fitness/movement, music, and drama, each taught by a specialized teacher.

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